Mummi, the Chinese man, and the sauna? This one is just too good not to document. Chris was on the phone with his mom this evening and she related an awesome story about her Finnish mom. In case you don't know, the sauna is huge in Finland. Usually it's done by just the women, just the men, or an individual married couple at one time. Well, this one is a bit outside the mold. (I hope I get the retelling right.)
Mummi (Chris's grandma) was a bit early for her usual sauna time at the shared sauna in her apartment complex. Usually there isn't anyone in the earlier time slot. So she got undressed in one of the dressing rooms and was ready to go in when she noticed that the door was slightly ajar. So, in her full 80 year old Finnish glory, she went into the room and found a Chinese man in all his glory. He seemed to be just finishing up his sauna, so she explained that she was a few minutes early and would he mind if she went ahead and got started. Apparently his Finnish isn't all that, because he seemed to think she was inviting him to join in a sauna with her. So, the 80 year old Finnish lady and the Chinese man enjoyed a true Finnish sauna together.
Only in Finland!
Dogs Love Cages
5 years ago
Oh, that story IS a good one. Can't you just picture it? Well, I know we'd BOTH rather not. :)Thanks for blogging about it.
well said amy, well said
i couldn't have told it any better. i seriously have not stopped laughing yet.
like you said: only in finland!!!
haha..that's exactly what i said to mom when she told me..only in finland! haha..i'm glad you blogged about this!...and yes i do know about the stuff on my friend whitni told me they add a new video every tuesday about the movie!
i love that story....
when and why are we going to see you?? thats exciting !!! yay!! i miss you guys...!!
well cya later.
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